Tracy Abrom takes the long view. As a marathoner who will complete her sixth World Major with the Tokyo Marathon on Sunday, March 3, Tracy understands the power of hard work and perseverance. In addition to completing marathons in New York, Chicago, Boston, Berlin, London, and soon Tokyo, Tracy has completed a marathon in all 50 states and 57 in all. She’s what’s known as “a runner’s runner.”
What does it take to stay motivated enough to run 26.2 miles? “Running a marathon is 100% mental,” Tracy says. “It is taking all of the miles you’ve trained and showing up on race day, rain, or shine. I didn’t have an epiphany that all of a sudden made it easier. I’m just consistent and have good endurance!” Taking all the miles you’ve trained. Showing up rain or shine. Consistency and endurance. It’s no wonder that when Tracy’s not taking care of her family, excelling in her job at FedEx, or running, that she’s committed to caring for women and girls living in poverty.
As a She Supply board member, Tracy heads up our distribution efforts making sure that every month, the period products we buy and collect get to the 20 partners we work with throughout four counties in DFW. There are more than 150,000 female-led households in the Metroplex living below the Federal poverty level. For those women and girls living without the period products they need to go to work, go to school, and maintain the cleanliness and dignity they deserve, life can feel like a marathon. A taxing test of mental endurance where the only way through is to believe you can.
“I believe we all experience different challenges in life,” Tracy says. “To complete a marathon, one has to be mentally and physically fit to push through when your body is saying “no.” There are women every day who are faced with different challenges, like making a decision to buy pads and tampons or food to eat for their families. She Supply gives them the opportunity to meet the day on a level playing field with dignity.”
For 2024, She Supply has set a goal of collecting and distributing ONE MILLION products to women and girls in North Texas. It represents the biggest collection effort in our history. But it’s one we’re committed to reaching to help those who need it most. With the help of our donors, partners, friends, and community we know we can reach it. For She Supply, 2024 will be a marathon, not a sprint. But inspired by Tracy, we’re putting one foot in front of the other and we’re not giving up.
If you’d like to make a financial donation to help She Supply further our mission, please: Click here