Who’s Not Excited To Go Back To School?

When a girl thinks about going back to school in August, what do you think comes to mind? Seeing all her friends again after the long summer break? Getting back into activities like sports, band, and cheerleading? School dances and other events? For most girls, those definitely make the list. But when you’re a girl living in poverty, a girl whose family can’t afford period products, the thoughts and anxieties about going back to school are decidedly different. 

Will I get in trouble when I have to stay home for a week every month when I get my period? Who will see me standing outside the nurse’s office waiting to get a pad or tampon when my cycle decides to show up early? Will I be able to participate in activities knowing I’ll have to miss every month? 

These may sound like far-fetched examples – especially living in many of the affluent communities we do – but they’re not for more than 151,000 families in DFW living below the Federal poverty line. Families with mothers who have to choose between food for their families and period products for themselves and their daughters. For them, period poverty is all too real. 

She Supply is here to change that reality. 

Our mission is to help end period poverty in North Texas and to restore dignity and cleanliness back to the women and girls who need it most. In our history, we’ve distributed more than 1.5 million FREE period products to women in need and this year, we’re on track to distribute “one million more in ’24.” Beginning this school year, we’re also proud to be partnering with Egal to pilot a new “Pads On A Roll” program in numerous LISD middle schools and high schools. 

No girl’s educational experience should be compromised or have added anxiety over something as basic as having the feminine protection she needs. When girls have to miss a week of school every month, they fall behind. Many drop out. And when that happens, cyclical, generational poverty continues. Together, we can change that. Your donation to She Supply, be it period products or financial, fundamentally changes lives. 

It may sound unbelievable, but every $25 donation we receive provides period products for one woman or one girl FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR! 

Would you be willing to set up a recurring gift of $25 per month if you knew it empowered a dozen girls a year to go to school? To participate in activities with their friends? To feel good about themselves and know there are people who care about them? Family by family, we are making a difference. 

Will you help us?

To make a donation, please CLICK HERE

To shop our Amazon Wish List and have products shipped directly to us, please CLICK HERE

For details about how to hold a Period Product Donation Drive with you friends, organization, or coworkers, please CLICK HERE