It’s Time For Period Poverty Independence Day

In most of America, it’s safe to say liberty and freedom are things the majority of us take for granted. They are certainly not rights that most of us ever think about being taken away. 

As we flip the calendar to July, our national focus again turns to July 4th, the special day when we celebrate our country’s independence and the enduring liberty and freedom that independence provides. America is unquestionably the greatest, most free nation in the world. And yet, we are also a nation where 38 million people live below the Federal poverty line, including more than 150,000 female-led households in North Texas alone. 

Imagine what an “independence from poverty day” might look like for those families?

She Supply was founded to help restore dignity and cleanliness back to the women and girls living in poverty who most need it. Every month in each of our communities, there are Moms and daughters who can’t go to work or school one week a month because they can’t afford the period products they need. As a result, those absences feed the generational cycle of poverty that far too many families are unable to escape. She Supply collects and distributes FREE tampons and pads to help change that reality. 

Last year, we distributed more than 500,000 period products to families in need and this year, our goal is to distribute ONE MILLION products in 2024 alone. That’s ONE MILLION opportunities to alleviate the discomfort, the sadness, and the shame that comes from not being able to afford self-care. 

No female should have to rely on toilet paper, or paper towels, or newspapers, or an old cut up pizza box to get through their periods. And with your help, they won’t have to. 

She Supply accepts all full boxes and packages of tampons and pads regardless of size, quantity, or brand. In addition, financially, every $25 donated provides period products for one woman or one girl for an entire year. 

It’s beyond time to give the women and girls in our communities the freedom to declare independence from period poverty. 

Will you help us? 

To make a donation, please CLICK HERE

To shop our Amazon Wish List and have products shipped directly to us, please CLICK HERE

For details about how to hold a Period Product Donation Drive with you friends, organization, or coworkers, please CLICK HERE